Email update from Aunt Lan Thi in Canada:
We started the day off rollerblading.....she was able to do two loops around before tiring. We came home afterwards and had Potsticker soup before heading to Kelowna which is a 45 minutes drive from Vernon. It is the Palm Springs of Canada.
First stop was to this Asian market where they have some Aiyana is trying her first bubble tea....she chose mango as her flavoring. It's like a big slushy, Japanese style with coconut jelly and tapioca. It is quite refreshing.....check out the shusi chef in the background...he's a riot!
Next we went to the mall and looked at all the stores.....she loved Chapters the bookstore and learned the difference between U.S. prices vs Canadian...she decided to wait to buy some of the books she wanted. But, she did find the Game store and found a game she wanted for her Playstation.....then gifts for the little sisters.
From there we had dinner at a Japanese restaurant. They had this big huge tank full of Parrot fishes....we were wondering if they were on the menu. For dinner we had Agedashe (deep fried tofu in sauce), Tempura Veggies, Yakitori (terriyaki chicken on skewers), Edamame (boiled soybean in pods) and of course rice. She did awesome with her chop sticks.
Then we headed home to get our sweaters for the theatre....we went and saw The Devil wears Prada....cute movie. afterwards we sipped hot chocolate outdoors while listening to a local Folk band at a local favorite coffee house....until 11pm....and then home where we both crashed into bed! That was a late night for me, so we will have to take a nap at the lake you, LT