We Know Drama!

A GREAT opportunity for FAMILY and friends to stay in touch and watch the girls grow EVEN if they don't live next door!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A few visits to the Dentist!

Brittany went for her regular check up on MONDAY and on TUESDAY she was back in the dentist chair for a few modifications. Turns out she has a small jaw and not quite enough room for her teeth...so they had to make some room for the grown up tooth already coming in behind her baby teeth because her grown up teeth are as big as TWO of her baby teeth (they basically made two of her baby teeth half the size they were for the time being...you can see the space on the bottom). She was SO brave at the dentist office that she got to pick ANYTHING she wanted at WalMart so she has a new video game called DOGZ. :) She laid there, still, as requested and silently protested with alligator tears down her cheeks. It was so hard...but she was AMAZING.


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