We Know Drama!

A GREAT opportunity for FAMILY and friends to stay in touch and watch the girls grow EVEN if they don't live next door!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Girl Scouts - Dinner...and Play...and WalMart???

Our ceremony to promote from Junior to Cadette was symbolized by blowing out one candle (our Junior candle) and lighting another (our cadette candle).

The GIRL SCOUTS that have been together since first grade were celebrating promotion from JUNIORS TO CADETTES! We bought tickets to see PAPA IS ALL at the Evergreen Playhouse in Centralia, WA. Before the play, Chandra cooked a fancy dinner with a formal table setting and the girls ate by candlelight. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed the meal!

The play was REALLY GOOD and realistic. It was about a MEAN, LOUD father who was rebelled against. We met the cast and got autographs and then had our photo taken on set - That's us in front of the fireplace!

After the play, the girls wanted to go to WALMART. :) After Chandra made them promise not to be contacted by Security ("use your manners") we had a scavenger hunt and found one item from each letter of the alphabet. GREAT FUN!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Kaitlyn's Birthday

We had a birthday party for Kaitlyn at Nanma and Poppy's house! Ten Years Old!!
Kaitlyn opening presents.

Our Build A Bear cards from NANA

Kaitlyn's present from the McGee's


Monday, October 09, 2006

Brittany's Soccer

After Brittany's last soccer game she was awarded a Bobble-Head TROPHY at their pizza party (as you can see, her mouth is full).

The Sisterhood!!

We had a sisterhood sleepover to celebrate the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the creation of the Sisterhood (Officially known as the SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELLING JOURNAL). The sisterhood includes Ya Ya (AIYANA), Cermitt (ERIN), Liverr (Olivia), Suzy (Kendall) and ELMMO (Katie).

Aiyana: Away Volleyball

Aiyana's Volleyball team played an AWAY game in TENINO and WON!! I was behind the bus as they returned home from Tenino and could HEAR THEIR SONGS over my radio with the WINDOW ROLLED UP! They sang:
Everywhere we go, people wanna know,
Who we are
So we tell them
We are the LOGGERS
The mighty, mighty LOGGERS!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

A Day in Kindergarten

Mom joined Aiyana and Brittany at school for Muffins for Moms and then spent the day with the Onalaska Elementary Kindergarten class. We had a GREAT day!

KEYSTONE: All three Kindergarten classes get together once a week to talk about being CARING and KIND and NOT HITTING. Brittany helped sing the song...

Brittany's friend, SHAYNA, brought his FERRET to class. Isn't he cute?
Also pictured here is Mrs. Disney (who walks on water by the way)!

Sunday, October 01, 2006


We have a new kitten. His name is SCRATCH (because he scratched mom on the first day we got him). He is SO MUCH FUN! Brittany saved her allowance for three weeks so she could buy him this collar.